CB22-018 - Can you use Mod Podge on plastic

Can you use Mod Podge on plastic?

Have you ever wondered, can you use Mod Podge on plastic? 

You can use Mod Podge on some kinds of plastic. Mod Podge will not stick to it properly if the plastic is not porous. Mod Podge is dependent on adhering to the pores of the surface. You should therefore check whether the plastic is suitable before using it.

This substance is ideal for crafting, but you need to know what it is and isn’t suitable for. Otherwise, you run the risk of your beautiful creation falling apart.

Luckily for you, I’ll show you if you can use Mod Podge on plastic. I’ll show you how Mod Podge works and how to tell if it will work with your specific plastic. You’ll be on your way to starting your craft project in no time.

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How Does Mod Podge Work?

Mod Podge works by running into the pores on the surface and creating a seal as it dries. It is liquid enough to soak into fabrics, woods, and other porous surfaces, including some kinds of plastics. Once it has gone into the pores, it will create a strong bond with that surface.

However, that does mean that the surface needs to have some pores. Otherwise, the Mod Podge will peel off once it has dried. Without the pores to seep into, this sealant will not work.

How Can You Use Mod Podge On Plastic?

If your plastic is porous, you can spread Mod Podge on it as you would with any other surface. Next, apply whatever item you wish to stick and wait for it to dry. You can then use another layer of Mod Podge to seal over the surface. This will increase the chances of it sticking firmly.

Your project is more likely to succeed if at least one of your surfaces is highly porous. If your plastic is not very porous, try to choose something porous to stick to it. For example, you might stick paper or fabric on.

How Do I Know If Mod Podge Will Work With My Plastic?

It isn’t always easy to tell whether plastic is porous or not. The best thing to do is to check before you begin your project. This will save time and prevent you from wasting materials if it goes wrong.

To test whether this works, take a sample piece of your plastic if possible. If you cannot take a sample, choose an area you will cover anyway. This will stop the test from ruining the final look of the project.

Spread some Mod Podge onto this sample in a thin, even layer. Set it aside and wait for it to dry for at least 15 minutes before testing. When it has dried, attempt to peel the Mod Podge off.

If the Mod Podge peels off easily, the plastic is not porous enough. It fails to get into the plastic’s pores and therefore has nothing to adhere to.

If the Mod Podge does not peel off, your project should work.

You can also sand plastic to improve the adherence of Mod Podge. Sanding will create a rougher, more porous surface that the Mod Podge can stick to. This will work well for all kinds of plastic.

Be careful not to inhale any of the plastic particles, however. Wear a mask while sanding and clean the area with a damp cloth. Wipe down your project to remove dust before you apply the Mod Podge.

Will Mod Podge Dry Clear When Used On Plastic?

Yes, Mod Podge will dry completely clear when it is used on plastic. Many people use it to seal over the item that they are sticking. It will leave a shiny layer but will be fully transparent.

It will initially appear white, however. This can look alarming if you haven’t used it before and think it will ruin the color of your project. It may be particularly true if you are using it on photos.

Like PVA, Mod Podge turns clear as it dries. You should see the white disappearing within about 15 minutes. The full drying time can be a week or more, but it will be clear before this.

You should make sure that you are applying Mod Podge in thin layers. Using lots of thick layers may result in the sealant remaining white in places. It would be best to place it somewhere warm and dry while the glue cures.

This will ensure that it dries as it should, leaving a clear layer over your project. If the Mod Podge does not appear to be drying clear, consider removing it and applying a thinner layer instead.

To maximize the chances of Mod Podge drying completely clear, apply it in multiple thin layers. Allow each layer to dry before adding the next one.

What Can You Stick To Plastic Using Mod Podge?

You can stick any porous item to plastic when using Mod Podge. For example, you may wish to stick paper or fabric on to create decoupage. Many people do this, and adherence should be good.

The more porous the item you are sticking is, the better it will adhere. Flexibility will also help because it allows for a close bond. Press the two surfaces tightly together and hold them in place for several minutes. This will help while the glue begins to turn sticky.

You can stick other items to plastic using Mod Podge, but they must be porous. If you are going to stick non-porous items on, you will need a strong multi-purpose glue. Apply the item using this glue and allow it to cure. Once it is fully dried, use Mod Podge to create a seal on top.

Will Mod Podge Work Better Than PVA Glue On Plastic?

Yes, Mod Podge will usually work better than PVA glue if you are sticking to plastic. Both substances use polyvinyl acetate, but Mod Podge is better for decoupage projects. Mod Podge creates a smoother seal and should not smear inkjet photographs.

It would help if you chose a Mod Podge that is specifically tailored to the project you are doing. There are many different kinds and they have varying properties.

Will Mod Podge Seal Paint On Plastic?

You will need to use the correct paint for painting on plastic. Acrylic paints and watercolors do not work well on plastic and will not dry. You therefore cannot seal over them using Mod Podge.

However, if you get paint that you can use on plastic, you can use Mod Podge on top. It will create a seal that will protect the paint. This is a good idea if you have painted a high-use item such as a cup.

You should wait until the paint has completely dried before applying Mod Podge. Place it somewhere warm and leave it for at least the recommended time. When it is dry, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge and allow it to dry.

You can then keep adding layers of Mod Podge until you are satisfied that the paint is protected.


Mod Podge is great for use on certain kinds of plastics. However, it will not work on non-porous plastics. Therefore, you should always test it before applying it to one of your projects. If it peels off the surface easily, it isn’t suitable for that kind of plastic.

Don’t add Mod Podge in thick layers to try to make up for lack of suitability. This won’t work and will destroy your project!